These 2 Chiuauas are cute but they need a lot of attention, plus they often pee in the house which really irritates me. I think this girl is really the right one for me m we have been together 1 yr now and I am starting to think more and more about our future. But this dog situation is starting to become a potential dealbreaker.

I left my job 4 years ago and started my own company which is growing rapidly and I work 60+ hours a week. When I am not working I want to focus on things I like, not get back to a second job (the Chiuauas). Additionally, my company is basically a virtual company so I have the freedom to travel and work from where I want but the dogs are an issue. She does not have an income (she is studying) and does not want to leave them to a dogsitter while we are gone both from financial and affection reasons. She lives alone and her parents live in a different city so cannot support her with the dogs when we are away.

She keeps telling me " I know we will break up because of the dogs", I really want a life with her but the more I think about having also the dogs in our future the more I question the whole thing. I love these dogs and I'm starting to train them since they pee in the house often, from when I came into their lives things have gotten better from an educational standpoint but they really take up a lot of time and mental energy.

I simply cannot stand having to think so much about 2 dogs I did not choose to have in my life, I have a superb future in front of me and this is definitely a limitation to my /our freedom. I am not sure what to do if I should work on myself into accepting the dogs or wait until we decide to live together for bringing up my concerns on the whole dog thing (which I already did but not depicting it as a deal breaker). What should I do? Did anyone experience something similar? Any opinions?

TL;DR: does anyone has a girlfriend they potentially want to marry but her 2 demanding dogs make you rethink the whole thing? Can't travel and we are conditioned by the 2 chiuauas which are eating up our freedom.

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