so since like summer last year i noticed our groupchat rlly died out and i asked one of my mates he said he doesnt know why but then i was at rugby training and he showed me something in their new group chat so i asked what that was they said it was some party gc so i thought nothing of it but then my what id like to think best freind stopped really speaking to me and i was without any freinds throughout the summer and when we got back into school i was obviously talking to them more so my ‘best freind’ was speaking to me a bit more but i realised at like lunch they would pretend i wasnt there but when i went to hang out with my other freinds they got really pissy about it saying that im abondoning them?? skip forward a few months me and my ‘best freind’ are like very close again and like 2 days ago he completely stopped talking to me if id text him hed just reply ‘ok’ no matter what i said and then leave me on read and idk if ive done something wrong or if ive annoyed them but im not really good at making freinds and that other freindgroup i talked about earlier is like now like the same freindgroup as this one so i really dont know what to do i have no one to go out with when im bored and my mum keeps asking me why i dont go out with my mates no more and idk what to say i just go gym and play playstation by myself and im not sure what to do as i feel quite lonley alot

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