This is my first long relationship. It’s been 7 months and everything was fine, yes we had some fights but solved the issue eventually. But now she herself told me that she did this and that she was feelings guilty and stuff. She also have a fake Instagram account which she doesn’t allow me to follow but it has zero followers. Plus one time I saw archived chat on her WhatsApp and asked her but she never showed me instead she started crying and told it’s her family matter.
I’m really confused. Should I break up with her over this small issue or idk what should I do. And we are actually in a long distance rn and meet once ot twice every month. Also this happened from her fake Instagram Id.

  1. It’s happened more than she’s telling you. And I’ll bet she has more than one fake account.

    Any more heartbreak will be your fault for staying.

  2. dude obviously leave her. who wants to be stuck in a relationship with someone you can’t trust

  3. **over this small issue**

    aside from the dick pic you don’t know what the family issue is

    how do you know this is small?

    fake accounts , private conversations , doesn’t sound good

  4. She is already hiding stuff from you. Go find someone that will be with you and make you happy. She has lost your trust, you can’t always be wondering.

  5. You’re so young. Stop wasting time on games. Dump her and find someone honest.

  6. Hey man. If I had to guess Is this your first relationship?

    The reason I am asking is because due to your long distance status you may not be seeing this yet but your girlfriend is not committed to you or this relationship.
    If you have some sort of agreement that you’re okay with her cheating on you because of the distance then that’s your business. But I’m just saying this isn’t a small issue and there’s probably 95 % of the female population in the world who wouldn’t be treating you like dogshit and maybe you should consider leaving this relationship.

  7. It depends if that someone is someone she knows.

    If She’s just reacting on a random dick pic then it’s not different from you looking at random ladies’ breasts or vaginas. In other words, porn.

    But if it’s an actual person she knows and he is sending her dick pics, weather on his own and she is okay with it or whether she requested it, and she is not shutting that down then that’s a problem.

  8. Cut your losses bro. She’s actively disrespecting you. She won’t know where the line until she crosses it.

  9. Don’t be a doormat please. Your gut is telling you something is not right. Listen to it and leave this girl

  10. It’s not really about the fake account. It’s about the lying and doing stuff behind your back. Abusing your trust. Your decision. I wouldn’t stay.

    Good luck.

  11. 🚩She is feeling guilty over this? Nah. She is feeling guilty over something else but choosing to share this tidbit of ‘harmless-in-the-big-picture’ issue with you.

  12. Well, now you are seeing who she really is, not the facade she has been showing you. Thank the lord you found out before kids and a marriage. Divorce is extremely expensive and the only one who wins are the attorneys

  13. Yeah. Let it go. Just because it’s long distance and she seems to be struggling with that shit. The dick pic I’d let go if it wasn’t sent to her. Like if she just liked it as a post. I wouldn’t think much of that. Maybe she’s a freak like that.

  14. So somebody sent your girlfriend a picture of their dick and rather than block this person, or at the very least tell them to fuck off because shes taken, youre girlfriend sent the universal emoji of “i want to suck your dick” and you think this is just a minor issue?

  15. The dick pic issue alone is already shitty enough for you to leave. Everything is screaming “cheating/planning to cheat” to me.

  16. The red flags make it look like a 1960’s used car dealership.
    Giant gold “OK!”

  17. Secrecy is anathema to a healthy relationship. She has a social media account that you are forbidden to follow and refused to show you an archived chat on said account, resorting to tears to keep you from pressing the issue. Now she’s liking dick pics.

    It’s your decision what to do, but if you want to have any future with her, then you need to have a very serious discussion with her about trust.

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