There’s no right or wrong answer here. What is your genuine personal preference? Would a certain weight be deemed unattractive to you? Not looking for controversy here, just individual views.

  1. Not too fat, not too skinny. Im generally quite flexible with that sort of thing.

  2. im more attracted to skinny. prefer kim k met gala than when she was with ye.

  3. In my case the heavier/ plumper she is the more attracted to her I usually am, up until the point when she has mobility issues or serious health problems.

  4. All they need to be attractive: fit & feminine

    If they cant handle such a simple task , they decrease their chances wayy significantly

  5. I don’t care unless it gets to the point that I can’t see her pussy

  6. In English, “female” is fine to refer to human beings when you’re using it as an adjective (“my city has more female firefighters than most”) but it’s used as a noun mostly when talking about like a clinical specimen (“subject is a deceased female aged approximately 50, beginning autopsy now”)

    It’s the right word choice when you are *purposely* trying to speak about them as an object and not a person

  7. Not a specific weight, but I’m fairly fit and that’s the body type that I’m attracted to as well.

  8. Unless the weight is a medical/health concern, it’s never really bothered me all that much. Most of my partners have had thick thighs, soft tummies and love handles, so I enjoy some weight on a partner since it gives me more to enjoy

  9. Depends on how it’s distributed. The weight in and of itself I never particularly cared about unless they’re obese. But the symmetry of their body and facial features is not something I could compromise on.

  10. Everyone has their own preferences for me personally I like petite

  11. I have never found a overweight woman to be sexually attractive. I’d say my definition of overweight isn’t too strict but if in my mind you are “overweight” you are not sexually attractive.

  12. I ❤️fat girls. But size isn’t important, it’s who piloting the meat suit.

  13. At a certain point, she becomes fat. I’m not into fat girls. Just my personal preference.

  14. I’ve dated tall, short, thin, and thick women (current gf is on the bigger side). For me, it’s mostly about the personality. I love my current girlfriend and am very sexually attracted to her.

  15. I’m a pretty fit person so the people I’m attracted to are relatively fit as well. Can’t really base it on weight cus a women that’s 130 looks different when she’s 5’8 vs 5’1. But I def have a threshold of how big a person is where I am not attracted to them.

  16. Being fat is disrespectful towards a partner as well as self. So would prefer someone who takes effort or does physical exercise to keep themselves fit.

  17. The more important thing is the ratio between weight and height. Tall girls can weight much more than short girls and still look fit and healthy.

  18. Hugely. And with american proportions so exaggerated now, it is tough to describe. Generally I like thin girls. Occasionally mildly chubby. For me, a secondary factor is that I need a partner that eats healthy, so that we can stay healthy together.

  19. I personally wouldn’t date anyone above average weight. It does affect my attraction

  20. A lot. My attraction to her is inversely correlated to her weight down to a certain point.

  21. It’s probably the single most important thing to me honestly.

    I am really into fitness, value a healthy lifestyle, and am highly attracted to people with similar attitudes.

    If you can’t take care of the only body you got, why would I expect that you could take care of my children?

  22. I like women who are a healthy weight. Not over weight. Here in America, that’s incredibly hard to find, and even harder to find one that isn’t already taken. But that’s just who I’m attracted to.

    But I don’t care about numbers. A 5’10” woman can be way heavier than a 5’2” woman but still be healthy because she’s just physically bigger (and that’s hot too 😂😂)

  23. a lot. you can go from a 10 to a 1. imagine elsa hosk if she was 400lbs

  24. Its not that you’re not a size zero that makes you unattractive. Its that you’re a size 12 trying to dress like you’re a size zero. Women come in all shapes and sizes, and that’s a great thing. As long as they’re healthy. The problem is that not all styles suit all body shapes. So you need to dress accordingly.

    And it works the other way too. You can be a size 14 and hot and you can be a size 2 and be a dog. Don’t dress for the size you want to be, dress for the size you are and you’ll see that men and woman aren’t as shallow as we all seem.

  25. It does. Big time. Is it fair considering I’m fat myself? Absolutely not.

    But does it. Yeah it does. And for the record I’m trying to lose a lot of weight now myself for my girl.

  26. I care more about how she takes care of herself. If she makes sure to live a healthy lifestyle, she’s good.

  27. I’m no prize but I genuinely care whether someone has any concern for their health or not.

  28. I would probably not be with a woman with a bmi greater than 23. Weight is the most important physical factor in a woman as demonstrated by published research.

    As a preference, I also prefer petite women. Which made my life pretty hard before I got married. Only 10-20% of single unmarried women in the US are NOT overweight. Only 30% of women in total are not overweight. It’s a real epidemic out here.

  29. It’s not a full on deal breaker, but it’s pretty up there. I mean sexual attraction to your partner is a fairly important thing to make sure you have.

  30. My girl is rail thin naturally and I love it. I’m a big guy too so it’s kind of funny when people see us together. I think she’s a chubby chaser bc she’s always making me fatty delicious food. I’ve had big girls too but don’t enjoy it as much

  31. The weight is very important. I mean it’s not like super specific or anything but if she’s too heavy looking then I just ain’t attracted. Really don’t know how to put it into words, I’d know when I saw her.


    I also really ain’t interested when she’s just skin and bones but hell, that tends to be a problem less often.

  32. If you’re fat, that’s a hard pass. If you look like you may have an eventual propensity to be fat, then that’s going to be a “no” for a LTR. Fat is not attractive and you cannot “body positive” your way out of that.

  33. A 200lb powerlifter is going to look a lot better than a 200lb burgerlifter, it’s more about physique than weight. I prefer athletic women, as a general rule if she can’t do a pull up I’m not interested.

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