Hello, im 18m and for the end of the school year me and my friends organised a party at one of my friends house. I just got my driving licence so i drove there, keep in mind im not familiar with the place where am going but with the help of the GPS i got there. So there i was for about an hour when my friends ask me to drive them to the nearest bar to watch france vs croatia, so i drove them. But when i was going back i noticed that i forgot my phone back at the party, so i got lost… I was driving around for about an hour and it became dark, so i started looking for any firms or anythink to find someone to give me direction, but everythink was closed (it was 9.30pm). Then i noticed a house and two cars parked in the driveway so despite my social anxiety i went to the house and rang a bell, at first no one came out but after a while a man opened a door so i said "hello could you please help me" a man 40-50yo started screaming at me why am i in his private property multiple times so i told him i was lost and just need some directions.. this man countinued screaming at me and demanded my ID or he will call a cops so i just gave it to him.. then with louder tone he asked me if i dont see a sign that says "private property" i told him i did but i just needed help cuz i was driving around for an hour, then he asked me where im from and gave me my ID back. Than again with the angrier tone told me the directions which helped me a lot. But have i done somethink wrong like i know i shouldn't be in his property but i honetly think he overreacted. What do you guys think? Thanks!

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