I've always been a rather anti-social and I recently realised that I cannot speak at all unless spoken to, or rather I will not. I first noticed it being really bad about 2 years ago where I struggled to make friends with people on my university course, where despite sitting in the same lecture halls and laboratories as them (thus giving me both reasons to start and topics to continue a conversation with) I couldn't bring myself to approach anyone. I made friends but only because some people were nice enough to approach me first.

For the past year of so, I've gone to tons of live music events. Both small gigs from local bands and keeping an eye out for concerts from larger artists I listen to. I started in an attempt to be more social and go out more, but despite once again having ample conversation topics at hand based on the venue/artists/drinks available etc. I cannot bring myself to initiate social interactions. Intellectually I know nothing bad will happen but I still get terrified of the concept. Does anyone have any advice for getting over this?

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