I’m gonna try and explain in a way that’s non biased so I can accurately get some opinions because i’m sick over this. So my boyfriend and I have had a very healthy relationship so far, he’s challenged me in ways that are hard but helpful, I have BPD but i’ve been through intense therapy and have been getting better at recognizing my patterns. I wrote a notebook page on the things that he does to show he cares so when I feel like he doesn’t I reference that. I don’t know how most people are but for me personally when i’m into someone I respond to them happily when I can! and Always look forward to seeing them. For him it’s a little different, it seems like there are excuses for why he doesn’t wanna be around me. Also whenever I text him he gives me one word responses, whenever i talked to him about how he used to act more into it he will say things like “well yea I had to let you know I was interested but now that you know it doesn’t matter”, i’ll also say things and laugh most of the time i can see him cringe in his facial expressions, he’s explained to me that he’s unhappy with how my body looks and he tends to try not to look at it, which is totally fine. He also told me that he’s cheated in the past but felt so bad he wouldn’t do it again, and comments on other women’s body’s. He doesn’t seem so care whether i’m there or not and if i just stopped texting him for a couple days nothing would be said. I get he’s a busy guy and he says that he likes me in his life, and that he enjoys i’m into some of the hobbies I have, but mostly he acts like he’s annoyed at my existence. But at the same time he will make me feel very special and loved. I don’t know what to think or believe. if these are signs or if i’m just delusional. I’ve talked to this about him a few times and he try’s to make a solution but at the same time gets annoyed and upset that I mention it because he feels unappreciated if i feel like hes being cold. He cares for me so sweetly but his voice tones, facial expressions and time management kinda tells me otherwise? maybe hes just bored? or maybe hes just busy? what do you think PLZZZ HELP !!

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