I just (kind of) did it with my gf (both 18), it was a first for us both. The reason i say kind of is because i only used my hand, she never explored herself prior and i had no idea what i'm doing. We took a break in between and didn't get to the climax in the end.

She says it hurts now, that there is a not-that-bad-but-noticeable stinging pain where i touched her on the inside.

We were tottaly unprepared and in the heat of the moment, but i did wash my hands before entering. I feel really bad about it, did we have to use lube or something? I also told her to consult with her gynecologist. What can we do now?

  1. She’ll be fine.

    Make sure she urinates after penetration.

    Besides that, the first few times just kind of hurt.

    Go slowly, use lube (natural or man made) and take it easy.

    Consider seeing a doc for birth control. If pain still persists after 72 hours, consider a doc. But pain for a bit at the beginning is pretty normal.

  2. Kinda sounds like there was to much friction, did you makeout and forplay long enough she got wet enough your fingers just slipped in? It’s usually best to also suck your fingers to get them wet as well.
    Some women may also have trouble getting wet on their own enough for things to be comfortable, easily treatable with some lube

  3. It’s OK. She doesn’t need to see a gyno for a bit of stinging the next day, and you don’t need to feel bad.

    It might just be a bit of friction reaction, with her vagina not being used to this, it might be a partially torn hymen, or it might be a little scratch. It should go away within a day or two.

    Just make sure you keep your fingernails trimmed short, and trim them at least the day before fingering so there’s no sharp edges.

    Make sure you go gently next time to see if it feels better for her after, but unless you’re going very hard or she’s really not wet, it shouldn’t be a problem in future.

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