I've been taking the pill (Qlaira) for 2 years now and I've noticed that I've been getting more headaches and mood swings, not just when my period is coming, but even throughout the packet. I think it has also messed with my digestive system (mainly more gad production and bloating) and libido – I'm less stimulated and sex sometimes feels like a chore (I've been in a relationship for 2. 5 years).

Now I've arrived towards the end and I've been thinking whether or not to start a new one after I finish it… It's kind of a scary decision for me because it has become quite a strong part of my routine and I'm also scared because what if my period takes long to come as normal? Or what if it's not the same as it was before I started the pill?

TL;DR – I've been taking the combined pill for 2 years and wondering whether I should go off it for a while.

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