
I realize that I am just sitting here day by day getting high off edibles and not experiencing this thing we call life because I know it's not just slumped on the couch eating junk day in day out.

I need a change in scenery. Ive lost a lot these last couple years; whether that's family members passing or friendships ending that you'd thought could never.

I'm in the same shit job I've been in for past few years making enough to barely make bills and shit. Stuck in it because fear of something new not working out.

I got a bit of debt via student loans and my car but nothing too absurd.

I've always wanted to move to a city environment (Chicago) as someone who grew up in the suburbs their whole life, but I'm scared to take the step.

I don't want to wake up in my 40s, 50s, etc and regret things as I am right now at 34.

I want to get out there in the world and make new friends, connections, jobs, life experiences and memories.

I know I am not old right now by any means but time doesn't slow down for anyone.

Anyone with some inpspiartion stories, feel free to share? Looking for a kick start of motivation.

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