What makes you do a double take on a woman?

  1. Boobies, my wife confessed to me years later that when we very first met she literally caught me doing this.

  2. Is “Put together” still a used expression? Been a while since I’ve heard it. But yeah….if she’s put together…..that causes a double take.

  3. Tall, slender, very pretty, great hair, fashionably dressed, smelling good, looking good. The way she carries herself and her mannerisms and the way she walks, all of that matters a lot.

  4. Curves
    I’m a straight women but I find feminine bodies beautiful, the softness and all (yes not every feminine body is soft but you get my point)

  5. Women who have that effortless, relaxed, genuine, happy energy.

    It’s usually like a “just got high” smile. Her hair is tastefully messy. Outfit on point even though it’s probably on the casual side of nice-casual. She just generally exudes an aura of “You’re welcome for the sunshine.”

  6. Curly hair 😮‍💨 even if I don’t think they’re attractive I see curly hair and I’m like “wait maybe they are attractive??” For some reason it just completely erases anything else I’m not into.

  7. My BFF told me my type is “mildly irritated Lutheran librarians”.
    He’s not wrong.

  8. Tattoos. I’ll double take men too. Have tattoos, love others tattoos, just love tattoos!

  9. Great legs in great heels and a slim fit dress /skirt

    Also, great make-up / hair and a warm bright smiling face

  10. Her eyes/gaze. I have a weird fetish for beautiful eyes. It can even happen with men even tho I am sure I am not gay/bi.

  11. A nice pair of calves. My weakness is a woman with strong, shapely calves. Not too much though

  12. Saw a girl buying an expensive axe before. I didn’t know if she was an independent woman or a serial killer. What I did know was that I was in love

  13. If she’s braless or showing lots of cleavage. Or if she’s got a really nice butt. #1 thing is braless though. I’ll do a quintuple take.

  14. Beautiful, long brown hair. Normally when it’s in those like long curls.

    I also like when they wear those long sleeve cashmere shirts, something about long thin arms are beautiful.

  15. Tbh it could be damn near anything. The shit that catches my attention is soo random.

  16. I’ve only done an actual double take once in my life. The woman at the returns counter at Lowes had just scanned the patio table that I was returning. It was damaged in shipping, and the steel had a massive bend that was incredibly obvious. She said “…and is there anything wrong with the item?” I didn’t catch it at first and I have a habit of repeating questions to myself to help me think so it came out like “Is there anything wro–IS THERE ANYTHING WRONG!? Look! You can see it from space!”

    We had a good laugh about.

    Later, I married her.

  17. I don’t know why, but occasionally there will be a woman that is so incredibly beautiful, that I can’t help but double take. When I do look back, I notice that she’s not model or anything (I don’t like model “hot”). Most people might think they’re average. But, just looking at them makes my heart soar. It’s weird, and I can’t explain it.

  18. If your a gal and have a bit of extra chub around your tum and your wearing a crop top…

    I gotta walk in thw other direction cuz imma blush to death.


    Soft tum is literally the best thing ever of all time. So cute and precious…but damn sext too.

    You could flash your boobs at me and won’t do a thing, but flash some tum oh fuck imma fall over

  19. As a man who has a pair of work shoes with very hard soles that sound a lot like women’s dress boots or heels often sound, I will tell you that the sound of hard soled boots makes guys do double takes. Like, I’ll be walking somewhere on some hard pavement or marble floors and guys won’t realize it’s a guy wearing those shoes and they do the “check out” look thinking it’s a woman in boots.

    Sorry boys!

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