I (24f) just started a new job. This is my first full-time job, so far it’s going very well, but it has also only been a month. I currently live with my parents – this is largely because I want to save up money for a decent place and I’m in no rush, but also because I am obsessed with my dog and there’s no way my parents would let me take him with me.

In the past, I’ve only been on a handful of dates, never been in a relationship, etc. As a result, my parents have never been around me while I’ve been on dates (they were all while I was away at school), and we’re really close. If I went on a date, it would be a *conversation*, and a rather awkward one. My sister has a boyfriend she has been with for 5 years, but they met in college and my parents never really saw the entirety of their dating, the way they would if I started dating someone now. So between living with my – rather nosy – parents, and my just starting a new job, I don’t know if now is the time to start dating.

That being said… A part of me has been really wanting to seriously get started. Primarily using dating apps, which I did use before, but not super seriously. This time around I’d put in effort and stop chickening out while messaging. I told myself I’d wait a few months until the new job was more settled, ease my parents into it and create some boundaries, maybe see if work events led to me meeting someone new… But at the same time, I’m not so sure. I don’t want to be patient and part of me thinks I’m better off just jumping in to dating and hoping for the best. Thoughts?

  1. I’m currently in a similar position… My last relationship ended a month and a half ago, some friends suggested to try dating to help me move on. I went on one yesterday and I feel so much happier for doing so. So my answer is by all means give it a go, see for yourself if you like that excitement etc. best of luck!

  2. You sound like me. I didn’t even have a bedroom (or a car) when I started dating my husband; my bed was in the living room because it was 5 people living in a 2 bedroom house and I lost my bedroom when I moved out for college.

    Just be vague with the parents and make a habit of not immediately coming home after work so that when you have a date, they don’t need to know why you went to a restaurant for dinner.

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