This is a throw away account so please don’t judge me for this.

There is this woman from my husband past, but they were just friends with benefits. This woman has an adult daughter (24) and another daughter (20).

Her grown daughters have been a problem along with the mother trying to get my husband attention. I seen messages in my husband phone from her 24 year old daughter. The messages were from his Facebook messenger. He knows how I feel about this but still didn’t let me know.

My husband has recently returned from deployment. The woman 24 year old daughter messaged my husband and I seen one message” I swear nobody loved my mama the way you did, and I promised the god you loved her” “I can tell from your eyes you did and you was suppose to stick around, what happened”? She proceeds to tell him that her stepdad agreed that my husband and her mother looked great as a couple. I also seen messages from her asking my husband do he regret marrying me and etc.

My husband responded telling the daughter that he was married. this communication comes after years of not speaking and no contact with their family. I also read previous messages and most times he didn’t respond back. She sent messages under disguise as him being a “father figure” to her.

In all honesty, the messages appear to look like a back door opening for a chance with her mom again somehow. This is the same daughter who has no respect for nobody marriage, relationship, or whatever it may be. She is very disrespectful on all levels.

Now the girls mother have 4 kids total, and this including them as well. The mother been with her babydaddy almost 17 years now or maybe more. She likes to kick the men out and run back to babydaddy. Shes with her babydaddy now anyhow.

I read the messages but I haven’t let my husband know yet that I did. tonight we were at the game that he was coaching and the girl mom was there. she came to the game with her friends and tried to approach him when the game was over. He got his things out the locker and we left. He didn’t say a word to her or acknowledged her.

I forgot to mention that her mother seems to mess with other people men when her and babydaddy having problems, or not together.

What should I do? I didn’t respond to the messages but just read them.

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