Hi, me and the girl I’m dating (both 19) are planning on having the “where is this going” talk next date. We’ve been dating for 2 months now. I’m looking to forward to this, so we can make things clear and solid.

But I want to talk about sex, what her thoughts on it are and how open she is to intimate activities in this relationship. I need to know this to decide if i wanna move forward or not.

What is the best way to bring up the sex talk when talking about the relationship? Please Help!

  1. If it were me – I’d say something along the lines of “Hey, I’ve been really enjoying going out with you and would love to start dating exclusively.”

    Assuming she responds positively to that then I’d go ahead and have a talk wit her about what she is looking for and what her needs are things like

    * Does she want you to text her every day and how often?
    * How often does she expected you two to go out together
    * Does she expect you to go out with her friends/family
    * Her feelings on sex
    * the list can go on and these don’t all have to be brought up at one time they can also change over time

    Which leads me to my next point. Communication is huge – you should be able to talk to them about your needs/how you feel. Obviously, try and make this conversation sound a little more natural than I listed above but you get the idea.

    I’d start by asking her about what her wants or needs are and if they don’t align with yours then dig deeper.

  2. I’m not sure that she’s having the sex talk in mind if she wants to discuss about relationship.

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