I am ending things with my first FWB because I was not getting the respect I deserved in that arrangement.

I am, however, still open to these possibilities in the future. I have the basics down: clear boundaries, open communication, and fostering mutual trust. But I understand what is ethical and mindful for me is not the same for all.

I am wondering if there are basic rules that others apply. How do you have difficult conversations when the set-up is casual? I enjoy sleeping with people and exploring my sexuality but in my mid-30s I don't want my partners to feel like objects. The beginning of FWB is friendship, after all. And on my end, I am no longer comfortable with drunken messages at 2 in the morning.

I don't know how to navigate this in a way that's respectful and fulfilling for both parties. I only ever had a bad experience so I want to hear good ones and tips on how you manage this. Thank you!

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