We have been together for over 3 years, started dating in highschool. He thinks it's funny to push my buttons, I find it completely aggravating and I'm worried it's ruining the spark I feel with him. I love my boyfriend dearly, however lately I feel as though I am becoming fed up with his little 'jokes'. It's nothing crazy, but he just does little things that get under my skin like poking me, mocking me, grabbing at me with too hard/aggressive of a grip(not in a romantic or sexual way, just in a way to irk me and/or humor him i.e. grabbing my thigh or boob and roughly/overly hard. It feels disrespectful), or acting like he's going to kiss me and then sticking his tongue out at the last minute instead. I find all these things incredibly annoying, I've tried explaining that I feel bothered when he does these things but he thinks it's funny. I am more hesitant to ask for a kiss when I know half the time I am met with a joke instead. Lately I feel like we kiss less, and I get more "joke kisses" then real ones.
When I'm kissed, I want to always be kissed with love. When I am held in intimate areas, I want to always be held with kindness. When I speak up, I don't want to be repeated in a high picked, mocking tone (he argues it's not mocking, because "it's not that deep"). I feel unheard and disrespected, but maybe I am being overly sensitive to what should be funny playfulness?
I don't want to talk to my friends about this because I don't want it to sway their opinions of him. So reddit please tell me, what do you think?

TL;DR my boyfriend gets under my skin by mocking me, grabbing me, and licking me when I try to kiss him. He thinks I'm sensitive, I think feel disrespected because I tell him to stop. Is he in the wrong or am I too sensitive?

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