Around 2 months ago, met a girl on a dating app and we’d been talking for a couple of weeks. Went on a first day and it went great atleast according to me. We keep talking everyday and she invites me to her place to watch a movie about a week later. So I go, and we’re having a good time and things start heating up. We’re kissing and things escalate a little and she asks if I had protection to which I replied yes. She then says she’ll be right back, leaves the room and comes back 5 min later saying that her housemate was crying. I ask if I should leave and she says okay. I go back home and over the next week the replies get drier and it feels completely different and I’m stuck thinking about what I did/say wrong even though she assured me I didnt do anything. About a week later, I ask her out again and she says she’s busy and isn’t looking for anything serious.

Its been about 3 weeks and I’m still not over it. I’ve never been in a serious relationship before and was really invested in this thinking it could be it. I cant stop thinking about what I couldve done different, and what I did that night that made things completely switch up. Its gotten to the point where I cant watch the movie we watched that night anymore, or go to the place we went on the first date without constantly thinking about her. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can move on or anything that could help?

  1. If she wasn’t feeling it, she wasn’t feeling it. Nothing you could’ve done different.

    Thinking of the what ifs or could haves just make it a lot harder to move on

  2. Honestly move on. If she says she‘s not interested in something serious, go on and date the next girl. Shes not worth it if she plays games like this. Stop texting her and if she starts texting you again, reply dry or ignore her. but in my opinion, id just move on and just go on with an another girl. Respect your worth. Chasing isn’t attractive nor what you should be doing.

  3. It’s hard, but if someone isn’t feeling it, just move on from them. Easier said than done, but we shouldn’t invest so much into others early on. Doing so just makes us attached when they could easily leave at any moment.

    I had a similar instance with someone that I spoke to for a few months, only for her to end up being spotty and ghosting after our first date. It went well, but maybe she wasn’t feeling it. Oh well. We can’t change how people feel.

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