I feel like this is mostly a vent. I love my husband and my friendship with him, but I miss my best friend. I'd like to say that my husband is also my best friend, but im just not sure. There's not really a good solution to my dilemma. I (F29) have been married to my husband (M33) for almost 7 years. Not long after we got married, we decided to quit our jobs and move across the country. It's been a financial and emotional struggle since. Our relationship is currently pretty good, although it has its upside and downs here and there.

I really miss my best friend who I moved away from 7 years ago. Earlier this year, I planned a big trip and saw her for the first time since then. It was the best week I've had in 7 years, but I know I can't compare an extra special vacation to everyday life. Sometimes, though, I just think that all I really want is to buy a piece of land with my friend and have a little farm. I'm happy to spend my time and money on our (my) animals, but my husband let me get them without really expressing until it was too late that he would rather not have any pets at all.

Now that my friend is looking to move a lot closer (still a plane ride away, but better than the current 3 plane rides away), the temptation to move out there too is really strong. A couple of months ago we joked about having a little farm together, and I know I can't really just pack up and walk away from my life here, but I wish I could clone myself and be in both places at the same time. Sometimes I picture myself having a couple of kids and staying up here, and other times I fantasize about being single and having a farm with my friend. Can anybody relate, or is it just me? 😅

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