I’ve been dating a guy from a different culture and although I trust him and he makes me happy with regards to emotional stability and how he loves, treats, and makes me feel it is quite apparent that he lacks a lot of life experience. We also have a 9 year age gap. Nonetheless he is from a different culture and has a different set of beliefs. However, I genuinely can tell that he loves me and he also treats my son really well and loves him too. His lack of life experiences makes him quite dependent. Meaning it is hard for him to do a lot of things unless another person is involved to guide the process. I asked him what would he do if he and I were married and had children together and something were to happen to me and his response was that he would send the kids back to his country where his family is so he could continue to work and send money to care for them. That pissed me off of course and I told him but if we had life insurance, why would that even be an option and then it came out that he didn’t understand how life insurance works that’s just one of many examples, but again he’s a great guy with a good heart and he’s willing to work as hard as he needs to but he lacks independence and self sufficiency unless someone is there to guide him. I’m starting to think I need to end this.

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