So like I might see my girlfriend here soon like in 3 weeks and we’ve discussed having intercourse which we have only been dating for about a month now. Were both innocent like virgins or whatever and when I come down there were gonna do it I guess if were in the mood. I don’t want to do it just to do it I wanna do it out of love cause I truely am like in love with this girl she is so sweet. But I just want some advice and tips on what to do especially since I think I suffer from pre mature ejaculation cause like everytime I masturbate I usually last like 20 seconds but I heard its way different if your having intercourse, and like I heard some people say like hey go multiple rounds which i’m sure I can if I do foreplay between them (which we’ve discussed we were gonna do before anyways) im just scared and nervous idk what to do really I don’t want to like disappoint her but like not anything weird im trying to blow her mind 😭. Im gonna talk to her about what she likes when I can but some pointers would be amazing thank you so much!

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