I’m scared. I want him to but I don’t think my vag is pretty enough. My boyfriend wants to eat me out. But I’m scared. I’m a virgin but one side of my clit is longer than the other. I’m scared he might think its Unattractive . I also scared I might not taste good.

  1. Have a shower sometime the same day you plan on trying, that’s the only advice i can offer to alleviate any “what-if” concerns on that day. Just a regular shower.

    Yes, everyone looks different down there. So many parts that can come in different sizes, shapes, and even colours. And hair! Endless combinations. But in the end, none of them look bad. There is no “pretty enough” to your vag. It just is what it is- beauty is in the eye of the beholder and your boyfriend wants to behold that beauty up close.

    If you’re not comfortable with it, no need to go through with it. But I think this experience might be like dipping a toe into a cold pool- it’s very hard to slowly climb in. Take the plunge, see if you can take a “screw it, whatever” and just-go-with-it approach, and your worries should melt away very quickly.

    To address your specific worries though, everyone is wonderful and beautiful down there. And unique. Taste is not a concern either- it’s just part of the whole sexual experience and, again, just a part of what’ll make you “you” to your boyfriend.

  2. Be honest with him, let him know you’re nervous. If you don’t want him to do it, you don’t have to let him at all. And if you’re uncomfortable at any point during, you can ask him to stop.

    All vaginas look different, and most aren’t symmetrical at all! I shouldn’t think that would be a turn off for him. As for taste, as long as you’re clean and hygienic it’ll be fine.

    If you’re not ready though, or you just don’t want to do that, communicate with him and only do what you’re BOTH comfortable with.

  3. Go for it, babe. Evey vulva is different, but with all the same parts, just like his junk.

  4. If you visit the subreddit r/labiaplasty, you will find numerous women, like yourself, who are concerned about their appearance down there and seek labiaplasty/CHR for both cosmetic and medical reasons. I’m always saddened by women who go through that surgery purely for cosmetic appearance. That is one of many things that porn does not represent realistically, and it damages women’s self image if they don’t have a “porn pussy”. Of course, if you have an extra $5-7K US you want to spend, you can get the surgery.

    Every time I read a survey of men’s opinions on the appearance of the vulva, a very high percentage say it doesn’t matter to them what it looks like. In the heat of the moment they don’t focus or judge its appearance, but rather just enjoy the experience of touching, licking and penetrating it, as appropriate. If you express your pleasure with what he does, his mind will focus on nothing else.

    As for taste/smell, just shower before as others have suggested. If you should have an infection down there, get that treated before letting someone go down on you.

    Revealing a part of your body that you are uncomfortable with can lead to greater intimacy and bonding. I encourage you to take the risk and go for it. CARPE DIEM!

  5. Shower the day of and have the lights off. That way he can’t really see anything. Then you can work up to having the lights on or whatever you’re comfortable with

  6. Wanna bet 10$ on the fact that if you let him he will eat this like it’s his first meal out of prison?

  7. Just be clean and I promise he’ll like it, we dont care what it looks like

  8. If I’m attracted to a girl and she wants me to eat her out I find that so hot that idc what I’m throwing my face into lmao.

    The fact that it’s yours will be enough trust me.

  9. Does anyone think that their genitals are “pretty”? what even is a “pretty vag” lol

    As a dude, all I could care about is that my partner has decent hygiene standards and “can I please shove my face in it”.

    There’s always going to be a particular taste and smell, but each person is going to be different.

  10. And trust me any boy your age (or how old I’m assuming you are) will be more than stoked to get any action. Please just always use condoms and please be safe. No babies or stds.

  11. Girl forget all that nonsense bullshit he wants to go down on you let them if he likes you and you like him what’s the problem

  12. Guy here, with a girlfriend having the same behavior than you. Trust we, we do not give a damn fuck we just want to see our girl yell

  13. I’ve seen quite a few vaginas in my life and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a symmetrical one – they come in all different shapes and colours unlike what you see in porn! As long as you’re clean (water only! No soaps or douching) you should be good. I’m sure he’ll love it too if he’s asking 🥰

  14. Take a look at this photo gallery that shows pictures of ordinary people’s labia / vaginas / etc.


    You’ll see there’s lots of variety! There’s no “right” way for genitals to look. And it’s pretty common not to be symmetrical.

    You could also talk to your boyfriend about your worries and I bet he can reassure you.

  15. Shower an hour b4 hand tell him that u want to try but r nervous as it will b a first if hes really caring and thoughtful he’ll b respectful plus he might get excited more but anyway talk about all things hell everyone is different some skin colour is darker or paler we r all different and thats what makes us unique and if its done right its enjoyable if it becomes to much aek him to stop comunicate with him its how relationships work give and take trust but with trust that grows more over time or if u dont want to tell him its ur first time just say that u had a bad experence last time but that would b a lie its up to u with how u want to talk to him about it hope this helps

  16. Tbh I don’t think any vaginas or penises are inherently “pretty”. And everyone’s looks different, so I wouldn’t worry about it and just lay back, relax, and enjoy

  17. As a lesbian I can tell you that I have never thought that a woman’s vulva was ugly when going down on one. I was always just so happy and thankful for being able to be there and I have never thought that one vulva was prettier/uglier than another. They are all unique and that’s what makes them wonderful!

    But I get that it’s very intimate and I also sometimes felt uncomfortable when someone went down on me, just because it’s so personal. But if they are into you, then they will love it! Just take your time, sex can make us very vulnerable, and I feel like oral sex is very intimate in another level.

  18. all vaginas look great, just keep it clean and youll both experience heaven

  19. They all look different and who could say whether one is more or less attractive than another.

    Likely he’ll be thinking about whether you like it a LOT more than what you look like.

  20. I had the same issues (both with vagina and how my boobs looked) and I started looking at nudes of other women, not like porn, but nudes of actual women of all backgrounds, and it really helped me to see that not everyone is the same and the comments affirmed that it was ok to not look like porn stars or models or whatever. I spoke to some of them about it as well which really helped. As far as taste goes . . . take a shower, and then taste it yourself? Go on NSFW forums and ask about peoples xps. Maybe research is just a me thing, but it helped, so maybe it’ll help you too.

  21. Your vag and clit are for you to have pleasure not to look a certain way:)

  22. I dont know any guy who cared about what a vagina looked like unless maybe it does look out of this world.

  23. As a man who was once his age. ZERO and I mean ZERO fucks will be given by him about this. You will prolly she the happiest smile on his face you have ever seen.

  24. And how many men have one testicle that hangs lower than the other or their dick bends to one side? That’s just how the body is and anyone or value 100% does not care.

  25. Hi! I’m wondering if you’re in touch with your anatomy. Do you mean one of your labia minora is longer than the other? This is TOTALLY NORMAL. did you know that the vulva is the only body part that does not have a “standard” way it should look? I was super self conscious about my labia growing up, but as I got older, I realized that guys really don’t care. Some even really like the extra skin lol. If you’re worried about taste, eat pineapple and other sweet fruits! Summer’s Eve feminine wash is also amazing and will give you that extra boost of confidence knowing you’re feeling fresh down there.

    Disclaimer: if you are not comfortable allowing your bf access to your body in this way, don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do, that’s number 1. Always.

  26. I felt this way when I was younger, so I completely get it.

    Some things that have helped me:

    * Showering immediately beforehand.
    * Lights off or wearing a blindfold.
    * 69 position so I have something else to focus on.
    * Being restrained. This helped a *lot* in the beginning, because it kind of forced me to push past my discomfort. It also got rid of the anxiety I felt about taking “too long”, since my partner was completely I’m charge of how long we were at it for.
    * Communicating with my partner so he knew I felt insecure, and he was able to be extra patient and kind.
    * Looking at images of vulvas online, so I get a better idea of what “normal” actually looks like. This is helpful for breasts as well, or any other body part you feel insecure about.
    * Time and practise, and having no expectations. Just try to relax and enjoy the sensations, don’t focus on climaxing.
    * My partner using his fingers at the same time.

    It’s totally ok to feel uncomfortable and want to stop, and it’s completely normal for it to take a few tries to get used to it. It may so not be your thing, and that’s ok too. It might also take you and your partner some time to figure out what works for you, it’s great if you can tell him what feels good.

    Good luck! The mental stuff can make it so difficult to relax during sex, but I promise it gets easier in time.

  27. clitoris longer on one side? do you mean labia minora?

    Just make sure your hygiene is good down there. Let him explore but communicate what you like & dont like.
    Have fun be safe

    A pretty/attractive vulva is a clean one.

  28. I was a virgin like you who asked for an advice in this sub before. But you know what, during sex,the guys dont really care how it looks down there. Specially if it already heat of the moment. Just shower and be hygienic. Dont forget to have fun🤍

  29. Very few people (like 3%) have pretty bits, that’s why we call them “junk”. I’d recommend trimming down there though because long hair can tickle the nose.

  30. Ain’t no man, in the history of eating snatch, NOT ate the snatch, because it’s ugly or doesn’t look good. Smell and hygiene are the top criteria here my girl.

    He don’t give 2 shits especially if he’s a virgin as well. He’s like…..nom nom nom nom.

  31. No man that I ever met including myself turned up his nose at a pussy after finally getting a chance to dive in face first. There is a 99% probability that your dude will enjoy himself so much that he won’t be able to stop talking about it to you afterwards and will make it one of his go to move when warming things up if you let him. 😉.
    I know that since my first time diving on a woman’s nethers, I’ve never passed up the opportunity regardless of how it looked. Everywoman just like every man is different down there. Luckily most men are not terribly choosy in that regard.

    It may be a good idea just to tell him how you feel this way it allows you to put him on the spot to tell you what he thinks. It actually might be a very erotic opportunity for exploration.

  32. It’s not your clit that’s longer honey its your labia, I have the same thing lol I was worried about it too but what I honestly did was look at “longer labia porn” just to see how common it was and it’s very common and some guys are super down for it or don’t even care or notice. Just make sure you’re clean and fresh, and you don’t have to, but it helps if you’re shaved smooth too. Awkward area for a razor but just be slow and careful, exfoliate and use shaving cream, don’t dry shave it.

    Then when the time comes don’t make a big deal out of it, just lay back and relax. He probably won’t say anything and neither should you. Good luck!

  33. As a 37yo lesbian who has seen a good deal of vagina at varying ages in its lifetime, I promise your vulva is fine.

    Many vulva have inner lips (labia minora) that are asymmetrical. Sometimes people have really puffy or long pussy lips (labia majora). Some people have a fat clit, a normal clit, or a very shy little thing. Hair, whatever. Stubble, whatever. Bald, whatever. Keep it clean and let me at it.

    Everyone tastes different because everyone IS different, but only one tasted bad. She tasted bad to me, which wasn’t her fault – she was clean – so I kept going lol.

    I promise that if he wants to, it means he thinks it’s a treat to taste you and pleasure you. Communicate with him beforehand and tell him what you’ve told us – it’s your first time, you’re a bit nervous but excited, and you hope you’re cute and taste good. Any decent dude will reassure you.

    When he gets down there, pat his head a little – just a little, we’re not NBA players – if you want. Or keep your hands to yourself under your pillow, or play with your breasts, or whatever you want. And don’t forget to focus on what feels good. Learn for next time.

    You’ve got this – now go get ate!

  34. There is a small subset of guys on this planet who care about vaginas looking like the ones in porn. Those guys are not worth your time or energy. Most don’t. Just like most guys’ dicks don’t look like the ones in porn either.

    The fact that he’s eager to give your head suggests to me that he’s not one of those dudes. Guys that are fussy about that kind of stuff to start with rarely offer head anyway.

    I personally like to be freshly showered shortly before receiving head and keep my hairs trimmed short so they don’t get in the way too much. Trimming/shaving hairs is not 100% necessary, I just do it because my hair is thick and my husband finds it more comfortable to go down on me that way.

    Remember he’s as eager to please you as you are him. My husband’s nuts hang unsymmetrically and his dick bends to the left. I couldn’t care less! Still feels great. I’ve gone down on my husband when he wasn’t the freshest. It was a little ripe but over all fine. I knew what I signed up for. I’ve have situations where I’ve simply asked him to freshen up and he did so happily. I wasn’t mean about it, literally just said “hey, can you freshen up first?” It doesn’t have to be this big thing. Just a normal and reasonable request that no one needs to take offense over. We all get stinky and sweaty throughout the day.

    If your vagina is persistently fishy smelling you may need to visit a doctor and get tested for bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, etc. That can be solved by a doc. But that smell is hella obvious, not a subtle smell.

    You can also test your own taste by literally swishing a finger around down there and … well tasting it. You’ll probably find it has little to no taste if you’re freshly showered.

    Finally, you don’t need to shove soap up in there. It can actually mess with your natural pH and cause odor issues. Just wash the outside of your vagina and butt thoroughly. I personally like the Lume unscented acidified body wash. It really helps clear up any persistent crotch sweat odors for longer between showers.

    Ps. I think you mean one of your labias is longer than the other. Your clit is an m&m sized spot at the center top of your labial flaps.

  35. Can we please stop referring to oral as “eating me out”, it’s so grotesque. Hearing anyone say that just makes me think you’re too young to be doing sex stuff at all. I guess in the heat of the moment as dirty talk it would be ok.
    Get an anatomy book and familiarize yourself with the correct name and location of your body parts. Then spend some time by yourself with them before you let someone else get up close and personal with them. Befriend your vulva, vagina, labia, clitoris, etc. When you make friends with your body it’s a lot harder to feel like it’s not good enough to share. Don’t ever ever ever douche. Ever. Soap on your vulva and anal area is ok, but rinse thoroughly. Mild soap without perfumes. Shampoo and condition your pubic hair to keep it looking nice and healthy. Trim or shave at your discretion, but pubic hair is there for a good reason.
    When you’re ready for oral make sure your partner’s mouth is clean, in fact brushing beforehand is a good idea. If he’s been drinking he can alter the state of the pH in your vagina causing bv and yeast infections. Afterwards rinse lightly with lukewarm water.
    Have fun!

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