Anon account for reasons

i've been in my current role for just under 2 years, its been going good. My manager loves me (not that way), i get amazing feedback from clients etc and yeah

The way it works is we're IT people permantly based on client sites, we never visit our companies office or anything. We're contractors but are in some weird thing we're almost part of the clients company but arent. As such any 2 year protection is nullified as if they dont like an engineer they can ask them to be out off the account, its not the typical employee employer relationship

Anyways the main guy who handles the contract with the company i work for had an absolute metldown yesterday, accusing us of robbing equipment to sell online (with no evidence we repurposed old equipment parts for new laptops), slating the fact i elected out of going to these big events they supported as i suffered panic attacks and one of the other guys offered to cover while i covered dayto day running, slating the way i was dressing (i was wearing a smart knitted jumper, dress shoes and black trousers and a coat with a hood that seems to be the 'improper' thing), accusing us of not doing tasks we simply cannot do due to external factors and basically damning us all for anything and everything despite our on site team being the saving grace of their IT infracsturcure as the rest is off site

Because of this i've felt really depressed and i dreaded going in today but apparently this happens often, the guy has an absolute metldown then the next day is fine like nothing happens. Im becoming self conscious of what i wear like im worried i cant even wear my coat in case he moans about it to someone. Whats the point i feel like i cant win anymore nothing i do feels good enough but im worried about leaving

Its a 2 month notice period and i have like 28 days holiday left as i never take any so prob wouldnt be bad until i found something but the market seems awful , what do i do? I worry im taking things too personally but i just feel awful

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