M30 and single, idk what I did but I’ve stopped being included in activities that involve my “close friends”. I can’t think of anything I’ve done to them as we’ve had some good times in the past few months. The only thing J can think of is because I’m single. They are all engaged, married, or having kids, and I’m not included on these things. I may be invited to a concert, but the wedding and baby shower I’m left out of. I found out today one of my “close friends” mom passed a week ago. I reached out gave my condolences and said I’d be at the funeral. Then I find out the funeral was this morning, and all my friends are in town and had a big text chain about attending, meeting up, etc. yet I’m no where to be included. It’s starting to mess with my self esteem and head. I can’t think of anything I did wrong. I live in a town of 20k people where everyone knows everyone so that’s why this stings more.

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