
I've 41F been divorced from the world's worst POS 41m since Oct officially. We separated in Jan 2023.
He was a bipolar cheating lazy ass.
I am disabled and a single mom. I work my ass off still and always have.

Our son is 18m so no child support or anything and he has no relationship with his dad anymore. His dad cheated, left our family and turned our entire world upside down after years of abuse.

Now.. we do not interact with him at all. We are better off without him. We're doing great and we mind our own business.

Today I opened the mail only to find where the woman my ex husband cheated with applied for a phone with MY ADDRESS which shes never even been to. They aren't married but she made sure she used her name w his last name. It was absolutely intentional. (I mean If she really thought she'd get approved she'd want the mail delivered to her right??) it was 💯 a way to instigate shit.

Normally I would laugh it off but I have very serious medical conditions that are impacted by stress which he knows. I also recently found out I'll be getting some money which he'll have no access to. So to a narcissist, me doing better without him is a huge slap to him.

Am I wrong to be livid about this?? I mean.. the woman my ex husband cheated with used my address to try to apply for a cell phone. It wasn't enough to bust up a family but now that I've moved on and I'm happy they continue to try to stir up shit that I don't acknowledge. How would you feel?
Tl:Dr Am I right to be pissed? the woman my ex husband cheated with used my address to try to apply for a cell phone

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