Sorry but it's a bit a sad post.
It's been years since I ,32M, had a partner, and I don't see any real possibilities in meeting anyone who would be interested in me due to very low self confidence, and also because I have very little experience in dating and sex in general.

Because of this I usually just masturbate thinking that it's the only sex related activity I'll ever have in my life from now on.

How can I stop thinking like this? Have you ever found yourself in similar situations?

  1. confidence can be a tricky beast to tame, especially when it comes to dating. Have you considered joining a support group for people who are in committed relationships with themselves? On a more serious note, remember that self-confidence can grow with time and practice. Keep putting yourself out there and who knows what might happen? In the meantime, keep your chin up.

  2. Yes, I’ve been in the same situation, but what I keep saying is, “If I loved myself more, that would force anyone else to do the same with me.”
    And was effective.

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