I think one of my biggest problems is people who don’t want to form authentic friendships. Networking is important, yes, but it should be done in a suave manner and not in a very rushed way.

For example, I’ve met people who keep wanting to ask me where I studied, where I work, what my family business is. But when I turn the tables and ask them, they become too shy to say it. Why? Are they ashamed or something? Or do they just derive satisfaction from finding things out about you but not reveal anything about themselves? (For context, I’m Chinese, and the people I talk to are usually Chinese, and there is a Chinese stereotype like this where you try to get all the info but reveal nothing).

Btw, they will literally corner me to spit out where I live and where I work and what my family does for a living (to benchmark my net worth?)…but when someone tries to ask them what they do, they fall silent. Reminds me so much of that one White Lotus scene…

Another thing I hate is when people find out I come from a good school and/or have good friends. It’s their first time meeting me, but they’re already asking me to introduce me to so and so. It’s like they think I have a good social circle and they want to befriend all my friends instantly. It’s frankly really creepy and comes across as very…social-climb-y? Or they find out I’m wealthy so they try to suck up to me, or they find out my friend is wealthy and promptly decide I’m actually not wealthy enough so they badger me to introduce me to said wealthy friends.

So I guess that’s advice on what NOT to do when trying to network. Let things flow more naturally. 😅

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