I am an introverted 18-year-old girl who never really had much luck talking to people in person, that’s why I spend a chunk of my time online. I have aspergers syndrome. While I do not have a speech impediment, I keep messing up my words and how I write sometimes leads one of believe that I speak more eloquently and coherently. However, in person, it’s a completely different case. I sound like a 5-year-old with a speech impediment whenever I speak out loud. It’s very embarrassing.

I try to approach people, but they always shut me down. I never had many friends in school and it’s ruined my confidence. How do I approach people with less fear and how do I speak more clearly?

1 comment
  1. Consider joining a toastmasters international club. Some has dues but others don’t. This will help you with public speaking, learning words, and building confidence.

    Also, it depends on your environment where you approach and are approached by others. If you play chess, join chess clubs where you have common interests and you’re on an equal ground. You know what you’re talking about and maybe you’re at an advantage cause you’re better than the other. Same thing like anime… you have something in common.

    Another thing you can do is simply say hello and ask a very thought provoking question like… what would you rather have, a million dollars in cash, $5k/week for life, or an 800 credit score? You may not care what their answer is, but you’ll get them talking and you just smile nod and act interested.

    Find a question that may give you an insight on how they treat women/others, their outlook on life, or their passions. They will fall for you hard because you seem interested in them and you’re considered a good listener or someone who holds a great conversation.

    This isn’t taught in school, how to have social skills and respect one another and it’s very sad. There are some good books out there and even TikTok has post of how to influence others, powerful speakers and other self-help videos. You’ll do fine. No worries.

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