To me it is a piece of internet history and a cult classic. I don’t think it was ever that popular though. It was very quirky and probably not for everyone.

  1. If you don’t love some homestarrunner I don’t know who you are. My second date with my girlfriend was us having beers in our mid 30s watching strong bad emails and teen girl squad for hours

  2. i just got out of high school when it got “internet big” back then (to fellow internet nerds) but i just never really got it. i was more of an albinoblacksheep guy

  3. Loved homestarrunner! The Easter egg functionality of being able to click on stuff during the videos is something I still miss

  4. Hell yes. It was probably the funniest thing on the internet at the time. Very well written. Then I’d always spend hours clicking around on the screen trying to find the secret extras.

  5. favourite episode to this day is strong sad on caffeine.. fuckin woodamers still gets me goin

  6. I still think of it immediately whenever I hear anyone say, “the system is down” or “marzipan”.

  7. At one of my first agency jobs out of college – watched Strongbads Emails daily with my Creative Director. Always a great way to start the day.

  8. You know it’s still around, right? They don’t update that often, but there was some good Halloween content.

  9. Come.
    I say come on.
    Everybody to the limit.
    The Cheat is to the limit.
    Everybody come on fhygwygads.

  10. Threebrain ([]( and blackoutsbox (appears to be gone now) are two others that come to mind.

    These three were pretty popular:

    []( lol this one was a bit creepy.




    While dusting off the old brain cells, I also recall the Camp Chaos website that had the infamous “Napster.. BAD!!” Metallica animations… and “Combo #5” was a big hit too.

    Anyone remember these?

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