I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend (21M) for about a year. We are from different countries but met at uni. However, the entire year we had a long distance relationship because he was doing his year in industry. He was sweet, understanding, put in so much effort, drove to see me and compromised. He was the perfect boyfriend but I messed it all up. This is our first relationship and it is important to mention that he grew up in a healthy home whereas I didn’t. The relationships around me were not equal and always one person belittled the other. I was a terrible girlfriend to him. I always wanted to be right, I asked for too much, I made him feel guilty about things he shouldn’t, threatened to break up, told him I didn’t like his friends and didn’t treat him with the respect he deserves. Of course there were good times too. This all added up around June because I threw a tantrum about him not wanting sex. We had a serious conversation and he asked for some space. So i moved back home for the summer and we kept texting every day but didn’t face time at all as he said to me that he doesn’t want to do that anymore. After a month of this I got impatient. I kept pressuring him to communicate and show me some love as I felt him distance himself a lot. He admitted that he loves me less now but still does love me. He said he doesn’t see a future with me and can’t see any way that we will be able to continue this relationship even though he is moving to the same town for uni again. I tried to convince him that he was thinking of the worst case scenario but he disagrees. I’ve been seeing a therapist for a while and working on myself but that doesn’t seem to matter much to him at this point. So he asked for a break until September. I have no choice but to give him that space. I know I’ve treated him very badly in the past and I regret that so deeply because I broke his trust in me and ruined a good relationship. I’m scared that if we have a break for that long (2 months until September) it will definitely be the end of the relationship. What do I do to make him take me back?

Tl;Dr : I was a very bad girlfriend and now my boyfriend says he wants a break/ doesn’t see a future. I’m desperate and don’t know what to do for him to take me back.

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