How do we show our intelligence and intellect without coming across as a “know it all”? Where is that “fine line”? I do know that “yes,and…” statements work better than “no, but…” statements. I believe it takes more than just that though.

  1. Just don’t correct everything all the time, let some mistakes slide in conversation. Don’t add unnecessary details to conversation that you know.

  2. why do you want to show your intelligence in the first place? it’ll come out naturally when they ask you questions.

  3. I have a dear friend who is like this. He’s smart and funny and talented, but also has this crushing drive to prove it – which annoys the shit out of everyone. It’s an anxiety and self-esteem thing. We tell him he just needs to relax and engage naturally. Smart people don’t need to tell everyone they’re smart. They just are.

  4. Put it in the phrase of a question. Ask for their thoughts on the topic. Engage them in the topic versus soap boxing it.

  5. I do this.

    Don’t get hung up on details and don’t be afraid of saying some stupid ass shit.

    I believe you can show your intelligence by using it sparingly and wisely. Learn to read the room and get an idea if being a smart-ass is in vibe, y’know?

  6. If you’re really smart then you’ll never have to show it to anyone. It’s bursting at the seams.

    Example: When you ask a normal person a hard question they:

    A) Think they know the answer and give it right away
    B) Quickly give up, and say they don’t know
    C) Bullshit an answer

    When you ask a really intelligent person a hard question they:

    A) Think about it.
    B) Start googling it if they don’t know anything.

  7. If you’re smart you’ll show it by your ideas on topics, empathy, and wit — not what you know.

  8. I think maybe just be yourself. Be genuine. People who like you, will. People who won’t, won’t. But at least you know a) they like you for you, and b) you get to be yourself and not worry about coming across as anything but.

  9. Find someone who would love your knowledge, then you wont have to worry about it. 😊

  10. You can be smart without trying to correct everyone or prove it all the time. So just do that.

    Talk about things you think are cool. Conversations are not a competition

  11. By accepting you don’t have to have an opinion on everything. And if someone has a differing opinion you should listen to their viewpoint with interest rather than interjecting your own with a “well, actually” type of attitude. Not every conversation is an argument. Not every argument is confrontational or hostile.

    When you don’t know something just say “I don’t know instead of interjecting what you do know to walk circles around that fact.

    Speaking from experience here, as I have a friend who’s pretty insufferable to talk to about anything due to all of that.

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