I've noticed a subconscious thing that I do, and I need help stopping it because I feel like it makes people think that I don't like them. The habit is that whenever I talk to someone, I think I change the way I express myself through words and body language quite a bit, depending on who I am talking to. I wouldn't say that I completely change my personality cause I always try to be true to myself, but I change what kind of things I'm going to say based on what I think best matches the person. Basically I change what I do and say depending on what will lead to the best conversation I can have with someone, if that makes sense. But the problem arises when I:

  1. Meet someone for the first time
  2. Talk to someone in person who I usually speak to over text or calling

I feel like I don't know enough about the person to know what type of communication best suites them, so I end up just having a very flat and disinterested personality. I don't think I do this for the sake of approval. Because I do this even with people who I know already like me, and I'm not someone who is overly concerned about how much people like me (unless it's because I did something morally wrong to them). Is there some more effective way to stop doing this other than just constantly reminding myself?

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