Food, music, politics—anything! For me, it's definitely jazz music. I could live on jazz piano music alone, without food.

  1. I know it gets a lot of shit but the internet has also changed the world for the better in many ways. By far, the most notable invention from the US.

  2. The transistor, it was a civilization changing technology and up there with fire, the compass, and the printing press.

  3. I mean, air conditioning and BBQ as others have said, but also, the mother fucking airplane.

  4. Chemo for kids with leukemia and lymphoma, pioneered by Dr. Sidney Farber in Boston beginning in the late 1940s. When Farber began, leukemia was 100% fatal and today, the survival rate is over 90%. One of Farber’s patients — “Jimmy” — became a fundraising symbol, for the Jimmy Fund, and “Jimmy” lived to age 65, with four grandchildren.

    Fast forward, doctors and researchers at UPenn used CAR T technology to genetically tweak patients’ own cells to combat leukemia and lymphoma, addressing cases where chemo is ineffective. Patient #1 is Emily Whitehead, who is now a college student, 12 years cancer free.

  5. Willis Carrier of NY invented the home air conditioner and I am grateful every day.

  6. Air conditioners. In 1901, American inventor Willis H. Carrier built what is considered the first modern electrical air conditioning unit. In 1902, he installed his first air-conditioning system, in the Sackett-Wilhelms Lithographing & Publishing Company in Brooklyn, New York. His invention controlled both the temperature and humidity.

  7. Interchangeable parts

    Really has made industry and modernization of the world what it is

  8. Blood transfusions and blood storage. Internet. Transistors. GPS. Light bulbs. Airplanes. Lots of world changing and life changing inventions.

  9. The internet

    For better or worse it changed the way we live in many drastic fashions and it’s hard to imagine a world without it

  10. The Blues. You wouldn’t have rock without it. I would also put rock music there as well.

    A/C, lightbulbs, and the internet, for more practical answers.

  11. Poat-War Germany and Japan.

    I mean we really outdid ourselves with those two!

  12. Petroleum processing. A lot of things are made today thanks to dead dinosaurs.

  13. A written constitution. Before the US Constitution of 1787 written Constitutions weren’t a thing, now they are common place.

  14. I’m going to go ahead and say duct tape, is the best invention the us has made.

  15. Some Oklahoma-specific ones are the shopping cart, the Yield sign, the personal computer, the flight suit, voicemail, autopilot, and the electric guitar! Plus, Oklahomans invented and/or perfected many tools used in meteorology and climate science. We also claim the parking meter, but that’s not really one to be proud of.

  16. I’ll go with something no one else has said and say refrigeration. The refrigerator was created by American Fred Wolf, and it’s completely changed how the world eats. If you wanted to store food, you had to pack it with salt, or if you were lucky to live in cold environments, maybe you could leave the food outside in the snow. With the refrigerator being invented, it allows fresh food to be stored longer, and it allows longer distances to be traveled when shipping the food. We all know the story of Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” and rotten meat and what it was mixed with. Americans routinely ate food that was on the verge or had already spoiled, which partly prompted the creation of Ketchup, to cover up the rancid flavor. With refrigeration and our food being stored longer, we don’t eat rancid meat, which increases the longevity of food, which then also causes less food waste. In addition, it also allows more culinary creativity since the foods can be shipped across the country.

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