Hey all. So I made this post two weeks ago about my fiancés grandma accusing me of wanting to cheat on my future wife with our roommate. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/1dukrii/my_fiancées_grandma_75f_made_a_wild_accusation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

Since then, things have developed quite rapidly. She finally called my fiancée last night. The call lasted all of 3 minutes and was lots of awkward silence and “This wasn’t meant to hurt you (my fiancée not me)“ and “I’m still afraid for you”. The call ended and my fiancée didn‘t change her feelings on this situation

Not being satisfied, my fiancée called her back the following morning and explained she didn’t like how the call went. Her grandma burst into a fit and called our roommate “a dog that needs to move out”. My fiancée was also told to “protect your home and evict her”. I was offended by “You are expecting too much of him (me). You work nights and leave those two home alone. He is no saint“. She cited a previous relationship between my fiancés aunt and a man. They were engaged and he cheated on her. This aunt has said several times this situation is nowhere near alike and that I am not like that man. Her grandma has doubled down on her theories and has not apologized. She is also convinced I’m the one that removed her from the guest list. I have voiced my opinion but have left the ultimate final choice up to my fiancée who seems pretty set on her not being invited.

I know a lot of replies mentioned dementia, but based on what my future MIL has said this has happened before. I’m wondering if she’s just expecting to get away with it because she always has.

With all of these recent developments, would it be bad to leave her off the guest list? I’m worried it will cause a fight or she will say something and ruin our big day.

TL;Dr Fiancess grandma has doubled down on her insane theories and we think not inviting her to our wedding may be best

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