Here we are. I am 33 years old and I have been enjoying sex and masturbation with different partners since I was 16. For 7 years I have been in a stable and sexually fulfilling relationship for both of us until 3 years ago when my partner's mother died suddenly. Since then she has a hard time being in the mood for sex. She wants it, but physically her body becomes paralyzed. Clearly a trauma that is being treated. In recent weeks her recovery has been noticeable and she is finally seeking sexual encounters again. My problem is that in these 3 years, due to frustration and need, I have evolved towards a routine of compulsive masturbation almost daily and pseudo-addiction to porn, sometimes even more than once a day and now I no longer enjoy sex as a couple. . Physically I don't notice anything at times other than pressure, no pleasure. From what I have read there is something called death grip syndrome? Anyway, is this reversible? I really want to get my normal sex life back. Could it be psychological? How do you deal with an addiction like this? I feel guilty and I don't know what to do.

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