What are “rules” you learned either through personal experience or from another on how to stay safe in this world as a man?

  1. Dont get in unnecessary conflict, it will save your life 9/10 times.
    Stay away from toxic people if you want to save your mental health.
    Cut the shit. Do what you want to do, life is way too damn short for you to be someone’s bitch.

  2. 1) Keep in mind the risks of what you do. If you’re not prepared for something to go south, don’t do it.

    2) Be reasonable about the risks. Don’t buy into the hysteria and allegories from strangers on the internet. Educate yourself, and remember that statistics can be your friend.

    3) Above all, keep yourself proud of yourself. Keep your mental health in check. Don’t be afraid to take the time or actions you need to make sure you stay healthy and happy.

  3. Dont fuck anyone that you work with, no matter how much you both like each other.

  4. stay away from toxic people

    never interfere in a fight that isnt yours (yes, even when a woman is getting bitchslapped by a dude. 99% of the times you will end up beaten by both the dude and the abused woman).

    those are my 2 big rules.

  5. **Avoid and don’t add chaos to your life:**

    * Never co-sign for anything

    * Never lend or risk more than your willing to lose

    * Never make decisions out of loneliness, horniness, or intoxication

    * Don’t become dependent on other people to meet any of your needs

  6. Have an exit strategy.

    If you can run safely instead of fight, choose run. If you can’t run, you are more likely to win a fight if you are willing to escalate to a higher level of violence first.

  7. Carry a gun with you whenever you can, and a knife whenever you can’t. Had some close calls in the past, one with an ex-girlfriend whose former lover would follow us, dude would park outside my house sometimes.

  8. Women can ruin your life with something as simple as a lie, so trust your gut, keep your real friends close and as time goes on learn to pick up on red flags and danger zones to avoid

  9. Pay attention to what’s going on around you. If a stranger takes a keen interest in you it’s probably because they wish to rob you

  10. Mind your own business. Don’t be a dick to people. Practice situational awareness at all times. And don’t be friends with somebody who doesn’t follow these rules because they’ll get you into situations you don’t want to be in.

    Go armed whenever possible because just like a fire extinguisher, it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

  11. Walk around with your head up, shoulders back. It helps if you have muscle mass.

    Most victims are picked out well before they’re victimized. The one about to do the deed can take a pretty good guess at who’s going to fight back, versus who’s just going to comply, and make it easy on them, based on their body language alone.

    If you fall into the former camp, odds are they’ll look elsewhere for the next victim. If you fall into the latter camp, odds are you’ll be the next victim.

    This is ‘public bicycle lockup’ theory at work. You want your bike to be just this much harder to steal than the one next to it. Similarly, you want to look like maybe the guy looking for victims should pick the person behind you, instead.

  12. Work towards financial independence, and once you achieve it, do not lose it. It doesn’t matter if you get a girlfriend/boyfriend, fiance, married etc. Keep your financial independence. If they question you on it, just say it’s something you are proud of and don’t want to lose. If they respect that, they’re likely a keeper!

    Also, and I don’t care how happy you are in said relationship, have an exit strategy. You never have to use it and it doesn’t have to be planned to excruciating detail, but have the bare bones of what you’ll do if shit ever goes south.

  13. Learn a craft! I became a carpenter, i shape wood for a living. I can destroy and create! Also i usually have one or the other tool on me… Last guy who sucker punched me got stabbed and is paying for my damaged headphones and that week off i took!

  14. Don’t let your pride get you fucked up, if you’re in a bad neighborhood act like you belong there, and always let the drunk guy swing first

  15. Think before you speak, although actions are louder than words. You can still dig a pretty big hole for yourself when you say something in the heat of the moment.

  16. People in authority positions (Management, HR, Cops, Insurance, etc) aren’t your friends – get things in writing & otherwise keep documentation handy if you ever need to argue anything with one of ’em (also, don’t be scared to talk to your lawyer if it’s something that could use any sort of legal counsel)

  17. Don’t put your dick in crazy.

    Unless you enjoy chaos, then always put your dick in crazy.

  18. Don’t pass messages for women.
    “Your Girl asked me to tell you…” Avoid that shit.

  19. Know when to hold ’em.
    Know when to fold ’em.
    Know when to walk away.
    And know when to run.

  20. Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.

    Nothing in this life worth having comes easy.

    Given the chance, 98% of people you meet in your whole life would gladly shiv you in the back if it would benefit them.

    Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

    Sticking your nose in my business is a sure way to lose it. I won’t stick mine in yours.

    People + cars = homicidal retards

  21. Talk shit get hit. My uncle never knew when to stop antagonizing people, until one time, he took a pipe wrench to the face. The other guy wound up in jail for it, but my uncle toned it down after that.

  22. Self preservation is the first law of nature. Know how to defend yourself.

    Don’t be a hero. This is real life. Superman isn’t real. Bullets kill.

    Dont place your ego over your life. Know when to back down, walk away or run.

    Eat well, rest well, exercise, work hard, play often.

    Avoid alcohol, but make time for a beer with a friend.

    Do it your self.

    Have a plan a, b, and c as necessary.

    Trust people to be who you have seen them as, and who they want to be seen as.

    Look out for number 1.

    If someone steals from you once, never trust them.

    When some one keeps it real with you, never fuck them over.

    Watch your back AND your front

  23. Accept that you’re never safe, but always look to make your next best move, because at some point things will go wrong but you can be ready to mitigate and be prepared

  24. -Always know the full story get as much context as possible
    -Everyone has a angle question is how do they see you fitting into it
    -Without principle as the boys would say ain’t worth the spit in your mouth
    -true loyalty is rare but if found should be kept for a lifetime
    -be aware and conscious of the situation know the lay of the land and it is easy to navigate
    -never make decisions in haste or clouded judgement

  25. Be very careful with showing emotions, saddly a lot of people still think that men should not share or show their emotional side.

  26. Sit with your back to a wall in public places when possible. I know it sounds like 1930s gangster advice, but ive twice seen men be attacked in publoc that never saw it coming. One i knew and they didnt have any reason to think their safety was in jeapordy.

  27. Think before you speak

    Assume everyone is a threat

    Be aware of your surroundings

    Somewhere between 3% and 5% of Americans actively train in combat arts, hand-to-hand combat, etc. Be part of the 3%-5%.

    Never be with a woman who cannot shut up

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