I (30sF) met this guy (30sM) on a dating app and we immediately hit it off. I thought he was really cute. We have a lot in common and the same sense of humour. It was great and refreshing since I haven't had this type of connection with a man in several years.

At one point he admitted that he was overweight "according to the BMI scale" but he kept it pretty vague. I myself was getting overweight over the past few years (about 30 pounds) but I've lost a decent chunk of it from exercise and moderated eating, so I didn't think much of it. Edit to add: I know it's not that simple for everyone to lose weight due to disabilities/medical issues/etc.

We decided to meet in-person recently. I'm not gonna lie, my heart sank when I saw him because he's easily 50 to 70+ pounds heavier than his photos, if not more. I'm pretty sure he's technically obese. Those photos must have been several years old. I have a couple old photos on my profile but my main pic was only a year old or so.

We got along great in-person, but I kept thinking "man…if only you looked like your photos." I feel like an asshole because he's very nice and cares about me, but I'm kind of turned off and can't help but feel deceived. I get that people in relationships will gain and lose weight over time, but this is only a week or two into dating.

Part of me wants to walk away because my attraction to him has taken a big hit, but the other part wants to stick around because other than this issue, I like his personality a lot and I believe him when he says he's trying to lose the weight.

Has anyone had this issue? Did you decide to stay or leave? How did it go?

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