I want to know what your main goal in life is.

  1. right now it’s to get back on track. well, get back on track to getting back on track.

    i have adhd

  2. To be remembered by some of my students as someone who made them feel safe/seen/loved.

  3. To be an old lady fucking the brains out of her partner and chasing eachother around the house naked.

  4. To stay young and fit so one day when my daughter is older I can show her pictures of me and her dad and say “see, I told you we were hot”

  5. To be happy and make other people feel happier too.

    All my goals and plans in life are in service of those two pillars. The work in my career, the hobbies I pursue, the art I create, the relationships I have, my family goals. All of it is about pursuing my happiness and helping others find their happiness.

  6. My main goal- my 5 year goal, purchase a cute home somewhere I love for >240k (yes I know it’s tough, but I also don’t care if it’s 900 square feet a long as it’s cute) find a career I can at minimal tolerate, explore the shit out of my hobbies & hopefully find as much financial security/freedom as I possibly can!

  7. To maintain my mental illness the best I can and die naturally, not by my own hand. Focus on doing things I enjoy, and get out of and stay out of debt in my life. Having peace.

  8. Right now: early retirement so we can spend 30 years doing whatever we want whenever we want

  9. Find a place where it feels like home. Then get a dog and just live my life on my own terms.

  10. im too sad to have goals

    jk, okey but seriously, i just want to live happy, healthy, and leave a positive impact on the world

  11. To have a moderately sized house with a garden and lots of trees, to have plenty of time to read when I’m older aka maybe working part time or early retirement with sufficient savings, to still be with my husband (no kids) and our cats. That’s all I want.

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