Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this!.

I have a relative that talks incessantly. Like one rambling sentence that doesn't give any room for anyone else to chime in. The subject will change 3 times before you get your 'in.'

For background, they are a teen (very good heart, very sweet), and have ADHD.

We all feel bad because the rest of joke around but as soon as they show up, they kill the conversation by taking over, and they're so social, they want this but they alienate themself.

Family tolerates it, but out in the real world it interferes with being able to make friends, it hurts their self esteem as they face lots of rejection. (They do seem much worse around strangers, i think anxiety is at play from years of other kids shaming them a bit).

Does anyone have any resources or tips to help with this?

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