Been together for 6 months.

The first time it happened, about a month or so ago, I didn’t really care because I assumed he had mixed up the letters in my name. He didn’t tell me that it was his coworker and I didn’t bother to ask so I let that go. Never thought of it again.

But today, when it happened again, I jokingly said, “I’ve been waiting for you to make a mistake hahahaha!” For context, we joke about these things sometimes. No harm done. That changed all of a sudden. I asked who that person is and he said it’s his coworker. I know of this coworker. I’ve known since the beginning that he works with a woman but I never bothered to find out her name because I truly didn’t care and my partner never gave me any reason to be suspicious. I trust him completely and he knows this.

Now that there’s a name and an association, however, my immediate reaction was to be upset. I asked him why he never told me who it really was the first time and letting it happen again. I asked if he’s cheating on me. He said no. I pressed him to tell me the truth because as much as I was starting to get hurt, if I had to walk away, I would. He kept saying no. They only work together, never hung out outside of work. He said it was a mistake, he’s very tired and stressed out from working long shifts, it didn’t mean anything, they’ve been working together, our names start with the same letter and sound very alike, that’s all there is to it. He apologized again and again.

I took comfort in the fact that he didn’t try to dismiss my questions or walk away from me while I was asking questions. I calmed down and I accepted his apologies.
I told my friends – one camp said it’s sketchy, another camp says he must be tired and his brain is not working properly.

This man has always made me feel special. He never made me feel like I can’t trust him. Yes we fight sometimes but we always found a way through them.
A small part of me still feels doubtful. I know it sounds very small, it really could be nothing but I just want other opinions and I’m hoping someone will see this and give some advice.

TLDR: Got referred by another woman’s name. He works with her everyday. Not sure if my reaction was warranted.

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