So I’ve been with him for almost 5 yrs (M52) (F53). When the pandemic hit, he stopped having sex with me. Said he was depressed and that I was drinking too much- we all had our ways of coping, I chose to make a party of it. Skip 3 years of no sex, I caught him having an EA with an onlyfans girl, sending tons of money and tried to move her here to replace me. He also spent money on endless online sex workers for content, begging them to talk to him, offering them money to talk to him. All the while, I’m right here wanting him. I thought I was being patient and giving him room to deal with his issues. He maintained that he loved me, love bombed me all day, held me at night. All the while having a very active online sex life with other women. Now that he’s caught, he says it was all a mistake, blah, blah- the usual shit cheaters say. We have had sex again. But now, it’s an excuse every night. We might have sex every 2 to 3 weeks and he never cums. To me, that’s the most important part. For so long I thought he just didn’t have much of a libido. I was very wrong about that. And have since started thinking if he’s not fucking me, who’s he fucking… my question is why would he fight so hard to stay with me if he’s not interested in me sexually?? Why not just break up? He obviously just prefers to jerk off but I’m super dissatisfied and I don’t feel wanted or desired. Are there men who just don’t want in person sex? Someone tell me wtf is going on!!!

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