I'm not sure where to turn to discuss this, so hoping some of you have some insight or thoughts.

  • About 10 years ago, I had a routine STI test that came back positive for HSV 1.
  • About 5 years ago, I had another test say that I'm positive for HSV 1/2.
  • More recently, I had a condom slip, so went to get tested. I tested negative for HSV 1/2, but positive for chlamydia. It happens, went to get treated.
  • I went again after a course of doxycycline, as the previous lab left out gonorrhea. Once again, tested negative for HSV 1/2.

I've never had symptoms of either strain; never even had a cold sore my entire life. I admit this is after a good amount of partners, and being inconsistent with condom use when I was younger (I use them religiously now FWIW).

I've read that HSV tests are not always accurate, but with the repeated testing here, this disappearing HSV 1/2 has me scratching my head. I've never heard of anyone's body curing itself of either HSV variant.

Could it just be coincidence of false positives? Can the virus become undetectable?

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