I am tired of being angry, frustrated, impatient all the time. Everything is always bothering me, I have to call my internet company because something happened? It’s not going to go well because I have 0 patience for it. Traffic coming home? So frustrated, why does everyone have to be so stupid? More curses will be said in my car in the 45 minutes it takes to drive home then probably should be uttered in a month. Work is slightly more complicated and difficult then it needs to be? Stress goes to the max, I become miserable and tense. I don’t want to feel like this, I don’t want people walking around eggshells around me, I don’t want to be that guy. This is going to cost me opportunities in life and if I don’t take care of it it will have a negative impact on my life. But that’s not the whole reason I want to deal with this, I just don’t want to go through life like this anymore, its making me miserable, and while I get life is frustrating and stressful, at least 75% of how bad this stuff really could be is actually in my head right? I just don’t want to continue down this path.

How can I start having a healthier and positive outlook on a more regular basis? Right now I do, but when stresses and frustrations build up it’s harder. Any books or anything to help build up habits to continue having a healthier and positive mindset?

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