I’m 33 and I’m feeling it now – physically, mentally and socially.
Moving a furniture seems to be a big task nowadays. Before few years it was so easy.
I’m more worried about change these days – like changing place, company or type of work.
Rejections and disrespects are hurting a lot more than they used to.
It is hard to find a good song these days, or movies that I can relate to, or the athletes to whom I could idolise.

Did it happened with you as well ? Or it is yet to happen ?

  1. I’m 38, and when a younger person can figure out a new piece of tech that I can’t.

    And I work in tech! 😧

  2. Do you exercise?

    You need to exercise to maintain a good body. Dont rely on youth.

    Just turned 30. I still train 6 days week. Though having a background and higher education background in sports physiology helps alot

  3. I started feeling my age in my early 30’s. Seeing older people around me deteriorate because don’t exercise, and then also seeing other people in their 70’s and 80’s have the physical abilities of someone decades younger. That really motivated me to get in shape so I can really enjoy the second half of my life.

  4. Sounds ridiculous but I knew I wasn’t young at age 11 when my dad died major depression for years ( no treatment back then)

  5. Physically I’d slowed down way before I *felt* old. It’s the mental stuff though. My parents died when I was 46 and that brought the idea of mortality crashing down. They were both life long smokers and I never picked it up. Still feel like death is now around every corner.

  6. I was walking down my stairs in my sweatpants, and it sounded like I had a bunch of cellophane crinkling in my pockets. So I went to the trash to clean the cellophane out of my pockets, but they were empty.


    So I went back upstairs listening carefully.

    It was my knees. My knees were making a crinkle sound.

    I am not young anymore.

  7. 41. I was in decent shape but I herniated a disc. I’ve still in good shape for my age in my mid 40s but the youth is gone . Keep on those back exercises fellow desk jockeys

  8. I am 37 and I finally start accepting I am a grownup now. My body, age, home, career says so. I resisted for the last 7-8 years being an adult, afraid to loose “youth” while in fact I was delaying sense of responsibility and afraid to loose being hungry and foolish.

    Being a grownup, or not being young anymore, doesn’t mean you have to give up a growth mindset, but sooner or later, age tells you you cannot escape responsibilities, whether it’s you body, kids or bank account.

    Accepting responsibilities is how you mature. Keeping a growth mindset à how you stay “young” (and not lazy and boring).

    For happiness to happen, efforts are required. I wished I would have got that earlier!

  9. > Moving a furniture seems to be a big task nowadays. Before few years it was so easy.

    That’s not because you’re 33.

    It’s because:

    a) You’re out of shape/weak relative to when you were younger but that’s due to inactivity.
    b) You are misremembering how easy or hard furniture moving was in general when you were younger.
    c) This particular piece of furniture is particularly awkward/heavy to move under these conditions.
    d) You were having an off day.
    e) All of the above.

    I’ve never really “realized that I’m old.” I’m 51 and I feel very very similar to how I feel like I always did. And I look kind of similar and if I don’t, whatever. So, whatever. I still want to and can do all the stuff I always did.

    My goal is to achieve new personal records in strength and stamina in 2022. I’ve been in the gym 37 of the last 43 days, so there’s that.

  10. I’m 55. I still feel young. Once something I used to do becomes a little bit more challenging to do I find a different way to do it. For me it’s all about my mindset. I don’t tell myself that I’m getting older and instead tell myself that I need to work smarter.

  11. I realized it when I turned 32 last year. Like I’m always tired. I can barley keep up with our 4 yr old and something always hurts lol

  12. I work at a cigar lounge and I asked a woman today if she was 21 she was 29 people look a lot younger the older you get 😆

  13. I’m 42. Probably 5ish years ago I was in the pit at a death metal show and was getting knocked on my ass consistently by a group of young bucks who were easily 10-15 years younger than me. It wasn’t really a sign that I was old in general but more that I was an old idiot in a young mans game. I still go to shows, I just stand in the back with a beer in my hand.

  14. I’m 42 now, and while I dont really feel “old” started to get a few white/grey hairs in my chest hair and beard a little over a year ago, and that was definitely a mental change for sure..like, I was just randomly after 40 years made aware of all the years catching up in an instant. It was a weird feeling.

  15. 58! That was when I realized I could no longer do what I had been my whole life. I needed 8-9 hours sleep. It took 20 min. To jump start my body in the morning and the time was running out on fulfilling my college aged dreams.
    That said, enjoy where you are, you have never been as old as you are right now. Look to what comes next.
    You will never again be as young as you are now. So play, set a goal & work for it. Don’t take your relationships for granted. Be kind. Laugh. Floss.

  16. 30.

    For some reason that number changed everything mentally.

    I’m close to 40 now and early 20 people look like kids. It scares me.

  17. I’m the same age, haven’t been in better shape in my life. Can’t drink like I used to and that was originally a bummer but working out and being ‘on point’ in the morning wanting to accomplish goals and tasks has me not worrying about aging. I had a big depressive thing about it when I turned 30 but I realized I was acting childish, so many more chances to shape yourself into who you want to be or who you thought you’d be

  18. I hit the wall physically at 31. Injuries started mounting up outta nowhere despite gym and playing sport regularly/stretching and so on. Just years of sport took its toll on the knees and that was when it all went to shit.

    Mentally, it was about 25. I’m not young young anymore but I’m not older either – was just in this floating point for about 5 or so years before I accepted I was slowly moving into the middle aged bracket.

  19. 41. Everyone else around me decided they were to old to go out and party. Guess I’ll just stay in now.

  20. First, I discovered I was older than the current Playboy Playmate Of The Month. That felt weird.

    Then suddenly I was the same age my father was when I was born. A shiver went up my back.

    I officially became old the day Barack Obama was elected and I found myself older than the President Of The United States Of America.

    So now I’m old. But there’s always older than me, and older to get

  21. Probably around 30 y/o.

    I became much more aware of physical fragility–specifically how much slower it takes to recover from injury/exertion.

    I don’t particularly feel older in an aches & pains kind of way, I just know that my body’s regenerative abilities are all downhill from here.

    I also started getting white hairs.

  22. I didn’t even have any kids at 33. My baby girl came along when I was 35. That was when I physically felt old, or maybe out of shape.

    I started hitting the gym because I was now responsible for someone else.

    Im 51 now. Three kids 15 or younger and I feel like Im in my 30s.

  23. I personally think it’s all about your mindset. It’s okay that. You’re 33 ! That’s a huge deal. You have lived 33 years on this earth. And have absorbed a lot of knowledge in that time frame. Abs there is still so much life ahead. As to the music and movies and sports. Think of it as you’ve required a taste that you like. Exercising and getting outside helps me feel rejuvenated. Also reading keeping your brain stimulated. Go treat yourself to something fun you like to do. And remember age is nothing but a number. As cliche as that is. It’s all about the quality of life that you are allowing yourself to live. If you don’t like start to work on the things you want to change. Last note for the moving of furniture…. That’s what (if you are a dad) your kids, nieces , nephews, neighbor kid or your other friends are their for . Put them to work 😂😂 just give the kids a couple bucks or pizza and your friends wine and pizza as payment. Hope this helps!

  24. 33 and feeling it. Seems like you need to start exercising. I’m 10 years older than you and with two kids under 5 and a wife that wants our whole house remodeled, there’s no time to feel it.

    Music these days is not for me but it doesn’t stop me from listening to the music I loved when I was younger including diving more into the classics we were forced to listen to as a kid.

    There comes an age when you realize idolizing athletes is a dream for children and while you can seek out those to idolize, they’ll do nothing for you. I was lucky at 27 to meet my idol and what a disappointment it was. It would’ve been better if he just walked up to me, slapped me in the face and said “you ain’t shit”.

    IChange isn’t easy but you cannot evolve if you don’t. Then you’ll be like my 50 year old cousin, who every time I see him, wants to talk about when we were kids and wished we could go back that.

    I can understand the disrespect and rejection hurting but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. A couple weeks ago, my brother in law blew up on me. This was a man who I looked to for advice and as a homeowner overly impressed by everything he can do from plumbing, electric and pretty much everything. So when he blew up on me because he thought he could tell me how to live my life, I was kind of hurt but then I laughed because not a single tear formed and I just deleted his little bitch texts and went back to my life and I really felt nothing. I mean deep down I still would love to bitch slap him.

  25. So many times.

    I’m in my 40s; every morning when I look in the mirror I still see the 20-something year old stud who kicked in doors in Iraq…then I walk down the stairs and my my knees are audibally clicking with each step.

    When I have to explain my high school job at a mall arcade.

    When work subordinates who weren’t born when I was digging up mass graves in Yugoslavia.

    Post-coitial musings with age inappropriate Tinderellas who consider Backstreet Boys to be “Classic Rock” or don’t remember 9/11.

    When age appropriate women are also grandmas.

    That said, TRT, cardio and free weights are amazing and keep you young-ish.

  26. 33 ??. That’s the prime of your life my dude. I just turned 50 and for the first time in my life I’m starting to feel old.

  27. 29. Spring break at corpus. 21 year old brother wanted to go party. Never felt so simultaneously creepy and cringe in my life.

    Completely changed my life trajectory though. Prioritized exercising and eating right, traded in the Camaro for a Beamer, got some sports jackets, started hitting happy hours instead of last calls.

  28. 32 here. Jumped off a deck that was under four feet tall. Knee has hurt ever since. That was three weeks ago, lol.

  29. I don’t know… I’m in my 30s and actually feel BETTER than I did in my 20s both mentally and physically.

    Granted I have been eating A LOT healthier now and spent most of my 20s on the heavy side

    Loving my 30s so far…. Not loving the bald spot though lol

  30. I’m 38 and honestly I’m feeling the best I ever have. I’m having to watch my family age horribly due to poor nutrition/exercise/lifestyle habits and it scared me into really nailing down my health to the best of my ability. I think the more you take care of your mental and physical well-being, the better and younger you feel overall.

  31. 40.

    Throughout my thirties, I believed that if I really wanted to, worked out, ate right, and took care of myself, I would be indistinguishable from someone in their 20s.

    Around 40, the combination of slightly receding hairline, gray hairs, wrinkles on my hands, liver spots, and generally sagging in places that will never unsag disabused me of that notion. I can still look good, but I’m never going to look youthful.

  32. Idk about you, but I’m 33, and I feel in the best shape of my life. Both physically and mentally.

  33. I thought I was old for the first time at 6. I vividly remember a memory dump from that time of the majority of my early life memories. At the same time I was transitioning to schooling which was more demanding. It felt more adult.

    I’ve felt old at 18, when I moved out of the house. At 21, when I spent my birthday night taking care of my drunk girlfriend. That made me feel mature.

    I felt old at 30. I felt old when I couldn’t take LSD or mushrooms carelessly anymore, sometime around that age.

    I felt old when I stopped feeling like I needed to see a shrink, sometime around my 40th.

    I felt old when I needed to start exercising for my health, and stop eating so much cheese for my health.

    I felt old on my 43rd birthday a few days ago.

    But i also felt old at age 6, so I dont take that feeling seriously.

  34. Probably at 38? I was a late bloomer in a way and met my partner when I was 34 and she was in the same mode. We went to a ton of events, day drinking bingo, parties etc.

    The first half of the pandemic we drank like crazy and now neither of us really drunk much at all anymore. It’s somehow lost the fun edge it used to have and I just don’t really miss it.

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