Does anyone have any tips for balancing being the inquirer (posing questions) and being the informer (sharing thoughts, feelings and sentiments)?

Im usually more of the inquirer – I think one of my strengths is that I am a good listener and can make people feel heard.

But something that is stopping me from building genuine connections is that this is often not reciprocated. I’d like for people to take a genuine curiosity with me as well. But I often don’t feel invited to talk. Is there something I can do to change this?

Upon reflection, i’m kind of shit at story telling which could contribute to feeling this way. And I feel like I can give off disinterested vibes sometimes. At my worst, I come across as quite fake or disingenuous.

Perhaps my authentic self doesn’t really care about the people I interact with. I think at the end of the day, I need to reconnect with my authentic self, and gain confidence. Confidence feels like arrogance to me, which I also something I need to work on…

Sorry about my scattered thoughts. Any thoughts or guidance is appreciated. I hate feeling helpless in social interactions, especially group conversations. At this point, I’m going to try yapping away and calibrate from there.

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