Guys, I screwed up. Today there was a RECORDED presentation with higher management and directors, both me and my colleague had to present. When it was my colleague's turn, he shared his screen and revealed chat log with me by mistake. In the chat, there was nothing too bad but possibly still controversial (that I said):
"JOHN IS A LEGEND!!!!!!!!!"
"John The New Team Leader"

I respect and support John a lot, and a few minutes before the meeting he did something I like a lot, so I was eager in supporting him. However, the way I wrote the messages, maybe they look like they are mocking him. Also, it is not my call whether he should be a team leader or not, so I do not want him or anyone else to feel offended.

Well, I did learn that I should be more careful with my messages. But how do I move on from the current situation? Shall I contact John directly and apologize? Shall I speak with my manager? Am I making a big deal out of nothing? I feel like this is a situation where intention was good but can trigger some people. Please help.

EDIT: maybe to provide a bit more context, (1) i am relatively new to the company (few months), (2) there is a vacancy for team leader. Should I at least speak to John directly to clarify the situation?

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