My girlfriend found out she was pregnant earlier this year and she’s due early September. Judging by our ages, I’m pretty sure you got the gist that her pregnancy was unplanned. When she found out, we did talk about options; Never really spoke seriously about adoption, lightly considered abortion, but ultimately chose to raise our baby. 

My girlfriend was raised by a single dad. Her mom was not really in her life, and she’s always been vocal about how that’s affected her. She started talking about wanting to reach out to her mom when she got pregnant because her mom was als a teen mom. She met with her mom 2 weeks ago, and when I picked her up she said that the visit went fine. I was skeptical but she just said she was tired so we never spoke in depth about the visit.  Ever since that day, she’s been really distant but claims everything’s alright. 

I came back from work on Thursday and my girlfriend had been in my room all day. My mom had said she didn’t get out at all, not even to eat. (and I was gone for 14 hours). As soon as I entered my room, my girlfriend started bawling. She was saying she made a mistake, kept bringing up her mom without really saying much of anything, and admitted that she doesn’t know what to do anymore. 

She’s 32 weeks. I am trying to keep composure but I am losing it because I don’t know what to do for her. She refuses to leave her house and I have no idea on how to help her. I don’t know where all of this came from. Just last week we were assembling the crib and preparing to welcome our baby. I’ve set up plans to assure her that we can do this and I’m not leaving her side, but she is a wreck right now. I keep asking her what does she want to do. Adoption was spoken about but I was met with a whole bunch of I don’t knows. My mom offered a lot of help, but all she keep saying is I don’t know. So now I don’t fucking know. I’ve looked online trying to get resources to help her, but what can I do when she’s not communicating in a way I understand?

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