If you know you know. A person's countenance tells a lot about them. The life they have lived and their character. It also tells you if someone is dumb and stupid or not.

I haven't really used my brain in a very long time and two people have commented on how unintelligent I seem in a short period of time. I'm trying to reinvent myself and was about to start wearing contacts until I realised the contacts make the dumb look on my face even more obvious. I feel dumb too.

However about a year ago I studied really hard for this test. Math and science and shit. And I felt the cogs in my brain turn and mental acuity increase. One time I had to explain to this guy why he couldn't go down a slide a certain way and I did it intelligently explained it with thoroughly with surprising ease and eloquence.

So now I'm determined to wipe this dumb look off my face and blow the dust of the neurons in my brain and shit. I'm studying physics and reading books. I also am going to technical school soon to be a technician for electronics and that is five months. Every day I'm going to write one page of everything I learned that day. Ideas, theories facts, whatever. If I can't do that I failed.

I know it's possible because I just finished The Count of Monte Cristo: "His eyebrows had become arched beneath a single pensive wrinkle… The deep learning he had acquired was reflected on his face in an expression of intelligent self-confidence…"

In other words he became not a simpleton and it's obvious on his face.

Has anyone had any success with this?

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