I just dont know how to deal with this one. …
So i was speaking to a guy ( we did face time). And the conection was really good. Like really good…I started feeling for him. And he to for me. So i asked for a date. He agreed but had to ask for a day of. He did that with a message to a coworker. On witch he had a cruch. ( i did not know). But he did not do anything with that because she is a coworker. (But only temp. for another coworker on baby leave.)

So He told her " i wanna switch a shift for a date". And she told him that she has feelings for him! Now he told me that he does not know what to do. (On a phone call.)

But he let it drop on that phone call that he was thinking of maybe starting something with her! But now he has me…and was torn. So i told him to let me go. Because of the way he was thinking about it. I had tears in my eyes….

And now they are going out. Im so hard broken. If i did not ask for a date, maybe this would not have happend…. it all feels so unreal to me. Like a film.

You could not make this up!

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