My ('25M') girlfriend ('23F') used to have an Instagram account filled with revealing stories, somewhat sexual videos, and a bunch of random followers (her account was public). I didn't discover this until we got into a serious relationship. For me, this was a huge red flag, but she decided to delete everything, make her account private, and even add photos of us to her highlights, so I decided to stay with her.

The problem is that she still posts stories almost every day, like selfies or videos without any sexual or revealing content, and honestly, it still bothers me. It bothers me that she has hundreds of followers she doesn't even know, who were there just to see her past content. I've talked to her about this, and she told me that her intention in posting stories is just to capture moments for memories and that she doesn't respond to anyone on Instagram (this is true, she has shown me her DMs). She also told me she's not trying to catch anyone else's attention.

But I still don't understand—if she's not trying to catch anyone else's attention, why does she keep posting so many stories? To give you an idea, many of them are short videos of her adjusting her hair and smiling at the camera or something similar. I think she's not being honest with me and that she has a social media addiction and likes receiving attention even if it's from followers she doesn't know at all. I have realized I'm getting jealous over almost anything she does on social media now and it's becoming a problem for me and the relationship. Sometimes I just wish she stopped all activity or had normal followers (just family, friends or people she knows about).

Also few of her followers are past hookups (she is not following them back). I think this is our only problem in the relationship at the moment. Maybe I need therapy because she has definitely made some thing to reassure me (making her account private, deleting revealing content…). Should I ask her to remove all the unknown followers and past hookups from her followers?

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