I was in love with the 34M, and I still love and care for him so much as a friend.

I felt overwhelmed with the village I live in recently, and asked my ex-boyfriend if I could stay with him for a few days to clear my mind.

My ex-boyfriend lives 4-hours away, so it is a complete change of scenery, which I needed.

My boyfriend didn’t give a crap I was going to stay with another guy for 3 days.

Is it because he feels incredibly secure in the relationship, or he literally just doesn’t care?

We have been dating for 18-months, but have yet to say “I love you” and we do not live together, although I think I love him.

TL;DR: boyfriend didn’t care I spent 3-days with my ex.

  1. What do you think it is? He’s your boyfriend and you actually know him. If you’re unsure you could always ask.

  2. It is odd he doesn’t even ask questions. I most people would even if they are secure in the relationship.

    I’d be more leaning towards him not caring.

  3. It sounds like you are intentionally trying to make your partner jealous by staying with your ex boyfriend, and now you’re mad it isn’t working.

    Stop playing games. You’re 34 years old. Get your shit together.

  4. If you think your going to stay with your ex should bother your current boyfriend, why are you doing it in the first place?

  5. I find it more odd that you care so much that it doesn’t bother him more than it actually not bothering him.

    He’s mature and secure. But it sounds like you want a reaction out of him.

  6. He’s 47 and your 34, that’s a predatory relationship. He was 14 when you were 1. That’s disgusting.

  7. Either he doesn’t care of you because he’s with another woman or he is devising something behind your back. I’m just wondering if he will have changed the lock when you come back.

  8. Or maybe, just maybe, he has another woman on the go and will use four days of absence wisely. Have you thought about that in your scheme to make him jealous?

  9. If I was your current boyfriend, I would say sure go and show no emotion. When you would come back I would be gone and never return to you, ever.

    Come on, is your current boyfriend so bad, you need to go to your EX for attention. If so, then end it!

    Really, are you sure it’s about stress, or maybe you are not receiving enough attention, affection, and validation form your current boyfriend, and stress is just an excuse. That’s how I read it. I mean there are plenty of places to go to for relaxation and decompression. However, going to your ex? Is that really why you are going? Be honest with yourself and your current boyfriend.

    So sure go ahead and go, but don’t expect him to be there when you come back. I certainly wouldn’t be.

  10. First of all why do you even care if he cares? And if you’re lonely why the hell are you calling your ex while in a relationship? You sound like a very troubled person lol. Reading this thread reminded me of when I was high-school. Jesus christ some people.

  11. Why in the actual frickity frack are you staying at your ex boyfriends place whom you still have feelings for and think your partner should be jealous of? Aren‘t you a little too old to play games?

  12. Looks like you just want him to be mad about something you need respect the fact that he trusts you and stop trying to get a rise out of him

  13. You shouldn’t be visiting your ex, that’s incredibly disrespectful to your boyfriend. It’s you who needs to be re thinking not him.

  14. If my girl left to stay with her ex for 3 days for a ‘change of scenery’, I’d be checked out before she’d even finish asking me. At this age you should’ve learned better than playing these stupid games.

  15. You have more red flags than the anniversary of the Chinese communist party. If he dont cares, dont cares, you are too old to be asking these questions.

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